Work, here is the 2023 ranking of the best Italian companies


Good place to worka leader in business climate analysis, organizational transformation and employer branding, has compiled the ranking of nominated companies for the 22nd year in a row “Best Employers Italy 2023”, meaning what the 60 best employers in Italy. To create this ranking, Great Place to Work Italy conducted a study lasted a year at 303 companies, hear opinions about the work environment from 163,000 employees in Italy and in the world belonging to the same organizations.

The ranking under the magnifying glass

To go into even more detail, the ranking has been divided and organized into 4 different categories based on the number of employees: Companies with more than 500 employees, with a number of employees between 150 and 499, between 50 and 149 and between 10 and 49. Benjamin Bedusa, President of Great Place to Work Italy, clarifies:

Given this context of great changes, the story that we see through the analysis of the photo of the 60 best Italian companies of 2023 is very consistent. LThe best companies in Bel Paese increase their workforce by an average of 15% year-on-year, have 95% confidence in their leadership and manage to achieve important results on difficult-to-treat issues such as meritocracy (+23% compared to the panel of 303 analyzed companies) and correctness (+19%). Results made all the more important because they were achieved after years of major organizational upheaval. Among the most present sectors, we are proud to see the manufacturing productionincreasingly symbolic of a new renaissance in Italian entrepreneurship, and theinformation technology, where the great resignation and some slightly over-enthusiastic estimates have “forced” the companies in the sector to offer ever more engaging experiences to escape the commodity company trap“.

Employee trust, growing sales and made in Italy

So it turns out the increase in the trust index, a measure related to the trust of individual employees, which increased by 2% compared to the previous year (89% vs. 87% in 2022). Always staying in the Confidence Index perspective, the Italian Best Workplaces are above the European average (89%), behind only Denmark and on par with Belgium and Finland.

A study conducted by Johns Hopkins University on a sample of 2,000 Italian workers who completed the Trust Index questionnaire found worrying differences between the top rankers and the Italian average: 50 percentage points in recognition of achievements (83% for am best versus 33% for the Italian average), 44 points in terms of work-life balance (86% versus 44%) and 38 percentage points in terms of meritocracy (79% versus 41%) are just the most striking.

The word growth does not only refer to trust, but also to turnover: the 60 best employers in Italy recorded a compound annual turnover growth of 26% in 2023, Improving the already impressive 23.25% from 2022.

The strength of Made in Italy is also growing: 31 out of 60 companies (52%) in the ranking are Italiana significant increase compared to 10 years ago when companies headquartered in Bel Paese made up just 8 in 35 (23%).

The ranking

The ranking associated with the category with aboutand 500 employees sees the first place hilton, multinational in the hotel industry. Followed by Salesforce (2nd), a leader in software for customer relationship management, and in third place American Express, a company active in finance and insurance.

The podium of the category with a number of employees between 150 and 499 consists almost exclusively of companies in the information industrytico – the top step is occupied by bend spoon, which ousted Cisco Systems after 8 years (2nd place), while Unox SpA, an organization active in the manufacturing sector, is new on the podium of the category and takes the third place.

It holds first place among companies with 50 to 149 employees Biogen Italy Srl (biotechnology and pharmacy), followed by Reverse SpA (professional services) and Skylabs Srl (information technology).

Finally, it ranks first among companies with between 10 and 49 employees Accuracy, Reality that offers professional services, the second place was taken by Systematika Distribution srl (Information Technology) and the bronze medal was obtained by Cleafy, an IT company.

Julia Schiro | Wall Street Italy

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