Deaths at work, the numbers of the Italian disaster

The accident in Brandizzo (Turin), in which five railway workers were hit and killed by a regional train, has brought the centuries-old debate on the subject back into fashion Safety at work in Italy. The investigators’ initial investigations revealed serious breaches of safety precautions at the time of the accident. The discussion about safety at work in Italy is regularly renewed every time a person loses their life at their place of work in Italy. Let’s look at all the numbers on a problem that has never been solved in our country.
Data on deaths and accidents at work in Italy in 2022
Second the data of Inail (National Institute for Industrial Injuries)In 2022, injury reports (fatal and non-fatal) increased by 25.67% compared to the previous year, with an increase in both women (+42.86%) and men (+15.95%). The number of fatal accidents decreased by 10.73%, particularly in the male component (-11.42%).

At regional level, the number of complaints has increased in all regions compared to 2021. The biggest increases were in Lombardy, with 27,869 more complaints in Lazio
(+16,737), in Veneto (+14,458), in Campania (+13,495), in Piedmont (+12,830).

Data from 2023
As for the first half of 2023, Inail certified that there were 450 workplace deaths: 13 fewer than the 463 in January-June 2022; 88 fewer than in 2021; That’s 120 fewer than in 2020 and 32 fewer than in 2019. However, only fatal cases during commuting decreased (from 121 to 104), while those that occurred while working rose slightly from 342 to 346. The decline affected the agricultural sector (from 57). to 47 cases) and the state account (from 18 to 15), while there were 388 deaths in industry and services in both periods.
At the territorial level, the largest increases were recorded in Lombardy (+11 deaths), Friuli Venezia Giulia (+9), Liguria and Campania (both +8), Abruzzo (+7), Umbria (+6) and Lazio (+ 2), while the most notable decreases were in Tuscany (-12), Piedmont (-7), Calabria and Apulia (-6 each).
The number of deaths among female workers has decreased (from 55 to 34), while the number of female workers has increased (from 408 to 416). As far as nationality is concerned, the number of complaints from Italian workers (from 378 to 371) and from EU workers (from 25 to 15) is decreasing, while the number of complaints from non-EU citizens is increasing (from 60 to 64 ). In terms of age groups, there is an increase in fatal accidents among those under 25 (from 22 to 31 cases), among those between 50 and 54 (from 67 to 70) and among those over 59 (from 99 to 70). 110); Reductions instead in the age group of 25 to 49 year olds (from 186 to 151) and 55 to 59 year olds (from 89 to 88).