The value of advice: “How advice adds value to the company”


What does consulting mean in the business world? What do client entrepreneurs demand from consultants today? In addition: generational change and the latest news from EFPA. These are some of the topics that covered the fourth round table entitled “How advice adds value to the company” as part of Il Valore della Consulenza, an event dedicated to financial advice organized by Wall Street Italia in collaboration with ALLIANZ Global Investors, AXA Investment Managers, AMUNDI, PICTET and PIMCO.

The round table was attended by:

  • Claudio Andrea Gemme, President Fincantieri Infrastructure SPA;
  • Marco Deroma, President EFPA;
  • Alessandro Varaldo, CEO Banca Aletti;
  • Enrico Maria Cervellati, Professor of Finance, Link Campus University and founder of EMC³ Solution;
  • Alessandro Plateroti, Director of

Alessandro Varaldo, Banca Aletti: We have to free Pip, Eltif and supplementary pensions

The fourth round table opened with the reflections of Alessandro Varaldo, who, after taking part in most of the morning’s discussions, chaired the discussion.

“I put three elements on the plate. I had French experiences from which I simply learned that our bag weighs too little. There is no equity and, above all, no taxation that pushes for a new time horizon. Of course something is cooking, but it’s still not enough. We need to give more strength to our primary and secondary markets by releasing PIPs, Eltifs and supplementary pensions.”

Claudio Andrea Gemme, President Fincantieri Infrastructure SPA: Looking for the best advisor

Gemme opens his speech with one Reflection on how the business world today wants an advisor on their side

“I really believe in consulting because if you pay attention to costs, it can’t hurt to have variable costs instead of fixed costs. The company boss has the vision and has to look for the best advisor to support him, support him to grow.”

Marco Deroma (EFPA President): News on certifications

Marco Deroma, President of EFPA, the organization that certifies courses and organizes examinations for the continuous training of savings professionals, takes the floor.

Deroma focuses on the importance of accompanying generational change in today’s company and in this area knowledge is important, knowledge that the consultant usually has to acquire.

In this context, Deroma briefly explains the latest innovations that the organization offers in the field of certifications. But not only. The body has another certification called “Wealth and succession planning for private customers”.

Enrico Maria Cervellati (Professor of Finance, Link Campus University and founder of EMC³ Solution): “Entrepreneur is looking for advisors at his level”

It focuses on theImportance of preparing the consultant for the companyalso and especially at the communication level.

The appropriately qualified entrepreneurial customer would like to have an advisor at his level. The problem lies at the training level: it is important to train consultants at the communication level as well. The focus is on soft skills, which are becoming increasingly important. It remains necessary to know how to deal with a specific type of customer.

Varaldo: today’s certainties and uncertainties

Varaldo’s focus on the two certainties we have today and the Uncertainties in investments.

We have two certainties and many uncertainties. The first is, on the one hand, that today we have starting interest rates for investments that are also real, and that today we have the opportunity to develop any investment path with short terms, both in Italy and in the USA and Europe. The second certainty is that the economy is in a severe recession not for demographic reasons but also because of its ability to respond to adverse events. The system has developed important antibodies. The final element is geopolitical uncertainty.

The real system will be able to benefit from the falling tariffs.

Alessandro Plateroti Director of In Italy it is the magicians who give savings tips

The photo it provides of the real world is clear and real Alessandro PlateroriDirector of

“I hear about big challenges and how to bring savings to the market: but the problem is bringing them to advice.”

Plateroti highlights how today we hear about generational change in a country that has no children.

What answers do you want to give? What advice can offer the company added value? …. The problem is not investing, but convincing people to contact an advisor. The problem is to exempt the advice from taxes. I have to take people to counseling. A culture change is needed.

Plateroti goes one step further and reels off interesting numbers that show what Italians are really looking for today. There are 51,000 registered and licensed external financial advisors in our country, compared to 155,000 fortune tellers and esoteric advisors who give advice on saving.

That’s the reality. People rely on magicians: the answer is the cultural leap.

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