Leadership Forum, opportunities for change


From Luca Losito
June 5, 2023 09:00

A leap into the future. Return October 25 and 26, 2023 the expected appointment with the guide forums at the Arcimboldi Theater in Milan. A two-day event organized by Performance strategies which, as always, will feature guests of the highest quality, able to inspire attendees to change and grow within the company. We see everything in the analysis.

What is the Leadership Forum?

The guide forums it’s the big one Business case is dedicated to the topics of leadership and management and has been attracting thousands of decision makers, entrepreneurs and top managers for over 10 years. Business thinkers from the global scene, management, academic and cultural experts in a unique event to collectively inspire change, transform companies and reimagine the future of business. An appointment not to be missed, to reflect on the rapid changes of today and the future challenges that await everyone.

The present speakers

“Lead the Future”This is the main theme offall event, which also clarifies the ambitious goals. The speakers present leadership forums As always, they will be of absolute prestige. Featuring Nassim Nicholas Taleb, world-renowned philosopher and author of the best-selling book The Black Swan; Indra Nooyi, visionary CEO of PepsiCo from 2006 to 2018; Nicola Piovani, Oscar winner for the music of the film Life is beautiful by Benigni; Mo Gawdat, chief business officer of Google X from 2013 to 2018; Cathy O’Dowd, first female climber to scale Everest; Anna Rosling Rönnlund, designer and global trends expert and author of the famous book Factfulness; Jo Owen, advisor to over 100 of the world’s leading companies; Navi Radjou, a leading global management researcher and consultant; Federico Buffa, one of the experts in effective communication and public speaking; Cristina Scocchia, one of Italy’s most respected and influential leaders; Luca Tommassini, well-known choreographer and director.

The leaders of tomorrow

The Hints they will be able to offer these prestigious Guests to the participants of guide forums They serve to reflect differently on the path to success in the various areas of the company. Change is every day. Companies, organizations and people are confronted with global advances and major societal changes that are difficult to predict. What leaders can and should do is develop models for more sustainable business operations. Identify more flexible and safer strategies to stay in the game in increasingly volatile markets. We transform businesses to innovate and thrive as the people, talent and values ​​that make them grow.

PR Opportunities

Last but not leastin one case the genus is also of the greatest importance public Relationships. For an entrepreneur or a company The Leadership Forum can be the perfect opportunity to build relationships with your target audience, improve your brand’s visibility and positioning, make new connections and generate new business opportunities with thousands of Insiders who hold top positions in their respective organizations.

The words of CEO Mancini

Finally, the comment from Marcellus left-handedCEO and Founder of Performance strategiesthe organizing company of the event.

“Provide the indispensable tools and knowledge to constantly evolve the paradigm of business thinking and help companies to develop more sustainable and truly innovative models.” This is the goal we have been pursuing for over 10 years with the Leadership Forum, a great one Annual opportunity for thousands of CEOs, entrepreneurs and managers to meet and exchange ideas revolving around the inspirations of some of the most influential business thinkers, management, experts and representatives of the academic, sporting and cultural world at international level. Two days to transform the business and, as the title of the 2023 edition says: Lead the future, lead the future.”

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