if unemployment benefit is paid in February


There Naspiacronym of New social insurance for employed personsUnemployment, to put it in technical jargon, is credited to beneficiaries by the 15th of the month, although in the absence of an exact date there are those who may have already received the transfer.

Naspi: what it is and how it works

It’s the INPS on its official website that states what Naspi is. Specifically, it is a monthly unemployment benefit that replaces the previous Aspi and MiniAspi unemployment benefits in respect of involuntary unemployment events that occurred from May 1, 2015.

Unemployment benefit is due from the eighth day after termination of employment if the application is submitted within the eighth day.

Naspi is paid monthly for a number of weeks equal to half the number of contribution weeks over the past four years. When calculating the duration, the contribution times that have already led to receipt of unemployment benefit are not counted. Likewise, the contribution that services rendered have been used in advance is not calculated as a lump sum.

Who can ask Naspi

Compensation is available to workers in subordinate employment who have lost their job involuntarily, including:

  • Trainee;
  • Employee members of cooperatives with an employment relationship with the same cooperatives;
  • artistic staff with subordinate employment;
  • temporary employees in public administration.

The service is also available to rural workers on permanent contracts employed by cooperatives and their consortia, which are mainly their own or those of their members under Law No. 240 of 1984.

Naspi is recognized for unemployed workers, that is, unemployed individuals who have involuntarily lost their job and who declare electronically to the National Labor Policy Portal their immediate availability to perform labor activities and participate in active employment policies agreed with the Employment Center.

The state of unemployment must be involuntary; Employees whose employment relationship was terminated by notice or mutual termination are therefore excluded. In addition, unemployment insurance contributions must be paid for at least 13 weeks in the four years before unemployment begins. Cannot access the service:

  • permanent employees of public administrations;
  • temporary farm workers;
  • Non-EU workers with a seasonal work permit for which the specific legislation remains in place;
  • employees who have fulfilled the conditions for old-age or early retirement;
  • Employees who receive a normal disability pension if they do not choose Naspi.

The measure of performance is the same 75% of the average monthly salary subject to social insurance contributions over the last four years, if the salary is below a reference amount established by law, reassessed annually based on the variation of the Istat index and announced each year by the INPS with a circular published on the website (1,250.87 euros for 2022).

How to apply

The application must be submitted to the INPS exclusively electronically and under penalty of lapse within 68 days, starting from:

  • from the date of termination of employment;
  • from the end of the paid maternity period if maternity occurred during the later terminated employment relationship;
  • from the end of the insured period, illness or an accident at work/occupational disease if they occurred during the employment relationship that ended later;
  • from the definition of the union dispute or from the date of service of the court judgment;
  • from the expiry of the period corresponding to the compensation for non-disclosure calculated in days;
  • from the thirty-eighth day after the termination date, in the event of termination for cause.

The application is to be made:

  • online through the dedicated service;
  • Contact Center on 803 164 (free from landlines) or 06 164 164 from mobiles;
  • Patrons and intermediaries of the Institute through the telematics services they offer.

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