Do Italians like to eat? Yes, the numbers tell us that


Traveling to eat is the new all-Italian trend. I actually am Around 9.6 million Italians took at least one trip this year where the main motivation was food and wine according to the sixth edition of the “Report on Italian Gastronomic and Wine Tourism”edited by Robert Garibaldi with the support of university credit, Visit Emilia, Valdichiana Living and Smartbox, the patronage of Cultura Italiae, Federturismo, Fondazione Qualivita, ISMEA Institute of Services for the Agricultural and Food Market, Iter Vitis Les Chemins de la vigne en Europe and Touring Club Italiano, as well as the collaboration of TheFork and tripadvisor.

And Italy is certainly the best country in the world for tasteful travel: the incredible variety of regional cuisines and a record number of protected typical products (over 300 between Dop, Igp and Stg, a number unparalleled in Europe and the world) make the opportunities to try something new endless.

In other words, 58% of Italian travelers, a figure that is 37 percentage points higher than in 2016, were not only looking for an experience in 2023, but also for the most famous Italian good in the world: food. Typical products to enjoy now and at home. Culatello or a good bottle of wine or extra virgin olive oil are indeed the best (and most welcome) souvenirs.

However, by expanding the field of vision, a general interest in the topics of food, wine and beer can be observed: 7 in 10 travelers have done at least 5 of these on their recent trips (+25% compared to 2021). A figure that is in line with the results of the study by the European Travel Commission, according to which the food, wine and beer-themed proposals are the most requested by travelers from the Old Continent on next summer’s trips, along with those related to the natural landscapes, in where they have often lived (17.3% and 17.8%, respectively, in absolute terms they want to see around 21.2 and 21.8 million tourists, respectively, this summer). And there will be 4.5% or about 5.5 million Europeans who have stated that food and wine are their main motivation for traveling.

Although persistently high inflation is eroding Italians’ savings, forcing them to abandon unneeded habits and curb consumption, About one in three Italian tourists say they have a budget greater than 2022 to purchase food and wine suggestions.

“The high interest of tourists, the excellent offer of our country and the expected growth of tourism in the coming years give us an incredible trio of axes for the near future.” It is important to respect the Italian culinary heritage, the landscapes, the small shops and the To preserve and enhance flavor artisans to ensure long-term constant, harmonious and balanced growth in the relationship between the most well-known destinations and the lesser-known inland areas. Food and wine tourism reduces overtourism and imbalances, helps maintain traditional activities in small villages and rural areas, and brings additional income to producers by stimulating them to actively protect the landscape, which is one of the main reasons for tourist selection is,” said Roberta Garibaldi introduces the 4 main trends emerging from the 2023 report: Diversity, Ease of Purchase, Green & Socially Responsible Tourism and Longevity, where the journey of food and wine becomes an opportunity to dedicate yourself to your own well-being and to learn to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

The national gastronomic heritage is rich all along the boot, but which are the most popular destinations to eat when traveling? Sicily, Emilia-Romagna and Campania are the best regions for Italians in terms of food and wine, Naples, Bologna and Rome among cities. Italians are now the first food and wine travelers to the country and the fact that they are still unaware of many of the regional specialties represents an opportunity for rural valorization and an opportunity for domestic tourism expansion. From the Langhe to the Sienese hills, from the Parma area to the Alta Murgia in Puglia, the way for travel, food and drink from Italy is already paved.

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