Currency option expires April 25 at 10:00 am New York discount


– 1.1000 (€1.1 billion)
– 1.1050-60 (€2.0 billion)

– 1,1080 (€875 million)
– 1.1100 (€2.2 billion)

– 133.00 ($300 million)
– 133.35 ($724 million)
– 133.60 ($327 million)

– 1,2300 (£ 627 million)

– 0.9005 ($800 million)

– 0.6665-75 (A$525 million)
– 0.6720 (A$467 million)

– 0.6050 (New Zealand $400 million)
– 0.6150 (NZD 816 million)

There are a few important things to consider, as highlighted intrepid.

It’s all for EUR/USD, but my particular emphasis is that expirations around 1.1050-60 can help keep price action under control before it goes down. This will add a layer to the tops near 1.1067-75 two weeks ago which could help bring any move in the pair closer to current levels.

Besides that, at 1.1000 and 1.1100, there are additional layers to keep things under control if there is any sweeping price action in European morning trading.

For more information on how to use this data, you can refer to this post here.

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